
 I write for those women who do not speak, for those who do not have a voice because they were so terrified, because we are taught to respect fear more than ourselves. We've been taught that silence would save us, but it won't.

 Kesempurnaan itu fana,kesempurnaan itu tabu, kegelisahan akan datang jika anda menginginkan kesempurnaan secara instant dan secara singkat,kadang ada kalanya kita merasa sempurna secara fisik,tetapi kita benar-benar cacat akan nafsu dan pikiran,seringkali lupa bahwa kesempurnaan itu hanya milik sang maha agung sang maha sempurna sang maha kasih,hanya dia yang bisa di sebut sempurna.....

jangan sampai

You and I painting rainbows when no rain falls on our wall
Smelling raindrops on a hilltop as they fall
You and I laughing loudly with no reasons in our walk
Chasing sunsets, dancing minuet in the dark

ponyo print

for ponyo


She's Long Gone


You're the only one,I'm so wrapped up in a daze..
Hoping this is just a phase
But when all is said and done,
I know you are still the one
You're the only one...You're the only one...

Ngiluw biru

Beautiful is an adjective used to describe things as possessing beauty.


saturday cycling

ini adalah sekumpulan pemuda pemudi yang mau meluangkan sabtunya untuk bersepeda bersama menyusuri plosok-plosok,luangkan waktu sabtu kalian untuk bersepeda bersama